I want to help someone

Relatives and friends of victims of intimate partner violence often feel powerless and don't know quite how to help. SOS violence conjugale can provide you with the information necessary to best support a victim through their situation.

First, take a moment to walk in their shoes...

What is it like to be a victim of violence ?

Experiment conversations with an abuser. Would you know what to say ?

Ok, I'll give it a try

Everything You Need To Know 06

  • 8 ways to help a victim of intimate partner violence

    • 38 763

    • Reading time : 5 min

    Go to article
  • 14 messages to convey to a victim of intimate partner violence

    • 49 376

    • Reading time : 3 min

    Go to article
  • But why doesn't she leave? : the intimate partner violence trap

    • 16 933

    • Reading time : 6 min

    Go to article
  • 5 forms of intimate partner violence that target the victim’s social network

    • 17 341

    • Reading time : 3 min

    Go to article
  • Unmasking intimate partner violence

    • 31 245

    • Reading time : 5 min

    Go to article
  • 8 tactics of psychological violence used by abusers in intimate relationships

    • 11 092

    • Reading time : 8 min

    Go to article

Frequently asked questions

It's hard to see that someone you love is being hurt by their partner. The first reflex you may have is to try to get them out of the situation or to convince them to leave as soon as possible. In reality, leaving a situation of intimate partner violence is very difficult and involves several issues that complicate the situation and threaten the safety of the victim and their children. This is why this type of approach should be avoided. It is useful to seek support before intervening. We are available to help you. You can contact one of our counsellors or consult the many SOS-INFOs available in the Tools section of our website.

If it is happening right now, it is important to contact emergency services immediately, as it is not possible for you to assess the potential for danger and potential for escalation, nor to know the will of the victim. In this case, don't take any chances and it is better to call 911. If you are uncomfortable calling 911 directly for any reason, you can call SOS and we will report the situation to the authorities on your behalf.

If it is a past event or something you were told, it is best not to call emergency services unless it is at the request of the victim. You can express your concerns to the victim and talk to them about our services. You can also call us or see the Tools section for tips on how to best help the victim.

The SOS-INFO Articles section of this website contains numerous articles on many topics related to IPV. We invite you to explore this section or to download our intervention guide to learn more about the issue and the best way to help those who are confronted with it.

Of course. There are several resources throughout Quebec whose mission is to support and help people who use violent behaviour and who wish to stop doing so. Contacting SOS violence conjugale allows you to access these services. If you realize that you have already experienced violence in an intimate relationship, you can get help for yourself and your family by calling us. This will allow you to rebuild the trust of your loved ones and to regain equal and harmonious relations in your intimate relationships.

No. SOS violence conjugale provides support, information and referrals to anyone concerned about the issue of conjugal violence. It serves victims as well as their children, loved ones, workers who are supporting victims and individuals who want to stop using violence in their intimate relationship.

Victims of intimate partner violence often first call us when they are confused about what is happening in their relationship and are in need of support in validating their perception of the situation and in assessing the issues at stake, in order to make informed decisions concerning their relationship. They also often call when they feel unsafe and need access to a safe space in a shelter, to ensure their safety and that of their children. They may also need medical care for injuries or stress-related health problems, help to manage the consequences of violence on their psychological well-being and that of their children, or support to reconstruct their social support network. Victims may also need accompaniment through legal procedures, help in finding housing, childcare, a job, access to foodbanks, etc.

Many resources are available to answer those needs. Intimate partner violence shelters throughout Quebec provide a safe place for victims and their children, as well as specialized individual or group support for residents and non-residents. Second-stage shelters provides housing to victims who are still in danger well after separating from a violent partner. CAVACs (victims assistance centres) provide information and support for victims of crime. Public safety can also help ensure the safety of victims in times of crisis or after. Women's centres promote and defend women's rights, provide counselling and support and help to break isolation. CLSCs provide services in the areas of physical and psychological health. IVAC provides compensation for crime victims and access to various resources to ensure their safety and recovery.

Numerous resources, in various categories, are available throughout Québec. SOS violence conjugale serves as a gateway to all services to simplify the conjugal violence referral process.

Interactive scenarios

How can I identify coercive control in a relationship ?

Explore how coercive control can affect a person's sense of freedom and affect their everyday choices.

Find out

Interactive questionnaire

Are there violent behaviours in my relationship?

Put words to reality and identify the different forms of violence in a relationship.


I am not in Quebec

If your situation takes place outside of Quebec, consult our list of canadian and international resources.

Resources outside Quebec
Contact a worker

Chat Services

By chat, we can offer you some time to discuss your situation, to be able to explore the resources that could be useful to you in the future. On average, we are available for about 30 minutes per exchange.

How it works?
